Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Project Bag

Not much going on in the finished object department, but there's been something else on my mind lately: project bags! Now I'm not exactly the greatest seamstress and I don't even own a sewing machine but I did get one done when I visited my mom:

This wasn't my first attempt at a project bag, but the first that I am reasonably happy with. I followed this great tutorial by Steffie. Since it was just a test version I left out any pockets or other details.

I accidentally made the bag a lot flatter and wider than intended, it's pretty much a cube. Funny thing is I actually prefer it like this, because that way when you open the string you see all the contents without rummaging around.
Both fabrics come from Buttinette though I have spent way too much time during the last couple of days looking at other online fabric shops. I'd love to make a few more of these in different sizes, play around with pockets and compartments and maybe try one of those cute Japanese knot bags next. Bonus points because you don't need to make an I-cord.

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